Wednesday 24 March 2010


I created a questionnaire that I would ask 20 people to complete in order to gain an understanding of the general publics requirements from a film. The questions I asked were:

1. What age gap do you fit into? (Please tick appropriately)

-16 __
16-20 __
21-29 __
30-38 __
39-49 __
50+ __

2. Are you male or female?

Male __
Female __

3. How often do you watch films per week?

Never __
1-2 __
3-4 __
5-6 __
Every day __

4. Where do you hear about new films?

Cinema advertisng __
T.V. __
Internet __
News stories __
Magazines __
Newspapers __
Other __

5. What influences you to go and see a specific film?

Friends interest__
News stories__
Cinematic trailer__
Other (Please state):___________________

6. Do you think that it is appropriate for a captive audience to be shown a trailer concerning drugs?

Yes __
No __

Why? ______________________________

7. In a film about drugs, what of the following elements would you expect to see?:

Humour __
Death/Injury __
Gritty lifestyle __
Hallucinations __
Mental pain __
Producing the drug __
Crime __
Friendship __
Lack of friendship __
Free of troubles __
Depression __

8. From what perspective do you think the media should portray drugs?


9. What would expect the poster for a film about drugs to look like?


10. What would expect the topical image to look like on the front page of a film magazine concerning this film?


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