Friday, 7 May 2010

Evaluation of project (completed using prezi)

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Claustraphobia magazine front cover - Final draft

This is my final magazine front cover. I used the same layout as my previous draft, however I changed the image. I think that this image has more of an effect, as we as an audience see one of the main characters faces in an extreme close up.

Poster for Claustraphobia

I used this image for this poster as I thought it showed a good link between the drugs and the religion that co-exist within the characters in our trailer. I tried to keep it as plain as possible so that I did not draw attention away from the message within.

Magazine front cover for Claustraphobia - Draft 1

This is the first draft of my magazine cover. I found that I liked the layout and colours used here, as well as the content. However, I found that I did not like the image used.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Claustrophobia - Trailer 2

To view the full screen trailer, go to:

We recieved audience feedback after our first attempt at a trailer, and found that there was no real narrative. We therefore decided to remove the poem from the audio, as it had little significance to the meaning of the trailer.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Claustraphobia - Trailer

To see the full screen trailer, go to:

Risk assessment

For our risk assessment we had to consider the danger of working within an abandoned warehouse. We did not fully know what would be inside until we got there. There was debris covering parts of the floor that we had to clear in order to make it safe for us to work.

We wanted to use a shot of driving down the main road, however we thought that holding the camera out of the window would be too dangerous. We then tied the camera down inside the car, which worked better. The footage ended up being unused anyway.